
Master of Science Degree in Midwifery Completion

Certified nurse midwives and certified midwives and graduates of any Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education (ACME) preaccredited or accredited midwifery program or nurse midwifery program; or midwives certified through alternative channels (e.g. foreign educated midwives licensed by New York State) and wish to apply to complete a master's degree, must meet all requirements for admission to the master's program. In evaluating prior course work from other institutions, the Midwifery Program will give special consideration to educational and professional experiences. A maximum of 38 graduate credits of advanced standing may be awarded at the discretion of the faculty toward the 50 graduate credit M.S. degree. Students must take a minimum of 12 additional graduate credits at SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University's Midwifery Program. For additional information about this option as well as information on Program of Study Transfer Credit, please refer to the Admissions section.

One Year


Course No. Course Title Credits
NRMW 5407 Introduction to Teaching 3
NRMW 5401 Research I 3


Course No. Course Title Credits
NRMW 5402 Research II 3
NRMW 5403 Health Care Policy & Community Assessment + 3


Course No. Course Title Credits
NRMW 5302 International Women's Health Care Policy + 3


+ Either of these elective courses will meet the requirements for the Master's degree.