Commencement Awards
Current Awards: Class of 2020
Sarah Colbath: |
Esumi Fujimoto:
Malka Schuler:
Jenny Xiao: |
Annalee Rsid:
Nyasha Waller:
Rudgie Correa: |
Khurshida Achilova: |
Caitlin Donaghy:
Genevra DiLorenzo: The Lily Hsia Midwifery Student Scholarship Award |
Melissa Banfield & Karen Rainford: The Gigi Robin Joyful Midwife Award |
The Laurie Ourlicht Faculty Recognition Award |
Abigail Bella:
Dedication to Midwifery Research Award
Rachel Robins:
The Nancy Moley Positivity Award
Clinical Preceptors
We thank the Clinical Preceptors for their dedication to Midwifery Education.
Outstanding Midwifery Students Recognized
Awards for Academic Excellence
- Sarah Colbath
- Esumi Fujimoto
- Malka Schuler
Award for Clinical Excellence
- Sarah Colbath
- Jenny Xiao
Award for Excellence in Research
- Annalee Reid
Dedication to Midwifery Research Award is given to a student who, in the judgement of the faculty, demonstrates a deep commitment to the futherance of evidence based midwifery practice.
- Abigail Bella
Outstanding Student Leadership Award is given by the graduating students in recognition of consistent and exemplary leadership in promoting the highest goals of midwifery care.
- Annalee Reid
The Joan Ditchik Memorial Award was established in 1990 in memory of a midwifery faculty. The award is given to a student who exemplifies clinical excellence; personal integrity; commitment to women's health needs; intellectual curiosity and growth; social awareness and cultural sensitivity; perseverance and enthusiasm; a sense of humor; professionalism; and a cooperative spirit.
- Annalee Reid
The Joni Zavitz Memorial Award is given by peers to the graduating student who has shown the most determination and perseverance in the completion of the midwifery program.
- Rudgie Correa
The Suzanne Louis Reddick Spirit of Midwifery Award is given to a student who embraces the care of women with special passion, warmth & kindness.
- Khurshida Achilova
The Lily Hsia Midwifery Student Scholarship Award is given to a student who, in the judgment of the faculty, demonstrates academic excellence, leadership and commitment to community service.
- Genevra DiLorenzo
- Nyasha Waller
The Laurie Ourlicht Faculty Recognition Award is given to a student who, in the judgment of the faculty, demonstrates extraordinary perseverance and professional dedication.
- Rudgie Correa
- Anna Polonsky
The Nancy Moley Positivity Award is given to a student who, in the judgment of the faculty, shows an extraordinary positive approach to midwifery, to clinical experience, to learning, and to interpersonal relations.
- Rachel Robins
The Gigi Robin Joyful Midwife Award is given to a student who is upbeat, warm and enthusiastic about midwifery..
- Melissa Banfield
- Karen Rainford