Otolaryngology Alumni
Excerpts from the January 5, 2023 Newsletter
We are very pleased to release our first alumni newsletter. This is the first of our planned biannual informational updates for our department’s
illustrious alumni. Our department’s ongoing efforts in maintaining a close relationship
between current and former residents began with the initiation of the Frank E. Lucente
resident research and alumni day some 15 years ago. Dr. Bentsianov (class of 2002)
has served as the department’s Alumni chair since that time as well. Our alumni day
annually showcases our resident’s strong commitment to research with constructive
input and commentary from an invited guest lecturer who is a leader in our field and
one invited esteemed alumnus. We look forward to this year’s Resident Research and
Alumni Day on Thursday, June 1, with invited guests Dr. Neal Futran (Chair of Otolaryngology
at the University of Washington and Dr. Marissa Earley (class of 2015).
Alumni Spotlight

Boris Bentsianov, M.D.
Assistant Professor
Director of the Division of Laryngology, Voice and Swallowing Disorders
Director of Alumni Outreach
We will also have an alumni update section highlighting some recent accomplishments and successes by our Department Alumni.
For our first alumni update, we will fittingly focus on our long time alumni director Dr. Boris Bentsianov. Dr. Bentsianov has also been our director of laryngology since 2003. Dr. Bentsianov was recently inducted into the Triological Society with his thesis “ Voice Outcomes in High Grade Reinke’s Edema: Comparing Microflap Excision and Microdebrider Surgery” Congratulations Dr. Bentsianov. We welcome emails from all of our alumni with updates about their lives both personal and professional so we can keep up to date and maintain the spirit of friendship and teamwork that is the hallmark of our program. We look forward to this year’s Alumni and Resident Research Day on Thursday, June 1, 2023.
Otolaryngology Residents
Our current update will focus on our newest residents and our most senior residents. In July 2022, we welcomed the new PGY-1 interns: James Cochrane, Matthew Mendelsohn and Michele Wong who all graduated from the SUNY Downstate College of Medicine. We are very proud of the current chief residents—Dr. Rahul Gulati, who will pursue a fellowship in head and neck surgery at the University of Iowa and Dr. Michael Weber—who will pursue a fellowship in otology at Pittsburgh Ear Associates.