
Maternal Fetal Medicine

Dr. David Sherer

The Maternal Fetal Medicine Division provides a wide array of perinatal services for pregnant women. These services range from prenatal care for the healthy mother to the most sophisticated care for the complicated pregnancy. The latter services are provided by Board Certified Perinatologists. The genetic counselors and ultrasonographers assist the Perinatologists in rendering full service care to obstetrical patients on the Obstetrics Service. These specialists also perform nuchal translucency, amniocenteses, Level II Ultrasound and Doppler Flow studies. Our division also offers noninvasive prenatal testing for the screening of chromosomal abnormalities. In addition to providing ambulatory care services for the management of high-risk pregnancies at University Hospital of Brooklyn, the division also coordinates perinatal outreach efforts to improve the overall quality of perinatal care in the borough.