
Brookdale Hospital Medical Center


During select rotations, first and second year residents spend two half days per week seeing adult and pediatric patients in our busy ambulatory dermatology clinic at Brookdale University Hospital. Residents perform a variety of procedures including biopsies, intralesional injections, tissue cultures, fungal scrapings, cryosurgery, curettage, and electrosurgery. Brookdale provides our residents with an inner city hospital experience and exposure to interesting and unique dermatology cases.

Furthermore, second years residents act as the consult senior seeing inpatient, emergency department, intensive care unit, geriatric, and infectious disease nursing home consults under the close supervision of an attending physician.

  • Adult and Pediatric clinic
  • Inpatient, Emergency Department, and Intensive Care Unit consults
  • Geriatric and Infectious Disease consults

Conditions often treated at Brookdale include: HIV-related dermatoses, drug eruptions, blistering diseases (bullous pemphigoid), acne, alopecia, connective tissue disorders, polymorphic light eruptions, atopic and atopic/contact dermatitis, eczema herpeticum, psoriasis, vitiligo, seborrheic dermatitis, tinea veriscolor, tinea pedis, lichenoid dermatoses, lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, ulcers, vasculitides, diabetic dermopathy, scabies, pyogenic granulomas

Rare conditions also treated at Brookdale include: erythema induratum, Steven Johnson's Syndrome, porphyria cutanea tarda, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis, acyclovir-resistant HSV, secondary syphilis, trigeminal trophic syndrome, Kyrle's disease, Norwegian scabies, incontinentia pigmenti