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UPDATES: Process to Submit Purchase Requisitions Chargeable to Fiscal Year 2019/2020
The Contracts and Procurement Department is the delegated and authorized agent for State procurement functions at Downstate Health Sciences University. All commitments against state appropriations must be made in full compliance with the various laws governing New York State purchasing activities. The department currently processes requests greater than $5,000. Time to process is dependent upon the complexity of the procurement; more time is needed as the complexity increases. Most procurements under $5,000 use the requestor's departmental State PCard process; See Card Services webpage.
The Contracts Office prepares and issues requests for proposal and invitations for bid, structures agreements, reviews and negotiates service and lease agreements for the campus. It also manages the procurement and disbursement of major capital items through the Tax Exempt Leasing Program funding method.
The Procurement Office organizes and administers a centralized purchasing service for the institution, with a basic objective to secure the most appropriate materials, supplies, equipment, services, etc., at the lowest available price consistent with quality requirements and delivery needs.
Contracts and Procurement provides advice to the Downstate community on cost-effective methods, commodity information and sourcing, negotiation and problem solving. In an effort to clearly communicate and increase compliance with State and SUNY regulations, the Department issues Supply Chain Bulletins to provide updates on new or revised policies and procedures regarding contracts, procurement and administrative services.