
Title IX

What is Title IX?

Title IX of the Education Amendments was passed by the U.S. Congress in June 1972, and signed into law on July 1, 1972. Though most notable for advancing equity in girls and women's sports, Title IX provides federal civil rights that prohibits sex discrimination in education programs and activities such as:

  • Admissions or financial aid
  • Housing and facilities
  • Courses, academic research and other educational activities
  • Career guidance, counseling or other educational support services
  • Athletics (scholastic, intercollegiate, club, or intramural) Employment, training for employment or advancement in employment

What does Title IX protect?

The protections of Title IX also extend to sexual harassment and sexual assault or violence that impairs or interferes with access to equitable educational and employment opportunities. Title IX is applicable to all members of the campus community, individuals doing business with the campus, those utilizing campus facilities, those who engage in volunteer activities or work activities in connection with or for SUNY Downstate.

Every school must designate a Title IX coordinator to review, update and implement current Title IX policies, to coordinate appropriate training and resources, and ensure effective and timely responses to complaints of sexual violence, misconduct, discrimination or harassment.

Title IX Coordinator

Who is the Title IX Coordinator?

The Title IX Coordinator is Bolaji Olasokan, Esq. The office is located in the Education Building in Room 7-0001. You may contact the office at 718-270-1738 or

What is the Title IX Coordinators role?

To oversee the processes that address reported concerns or claims of sex or gender based harassment, discrimination, misconduct or violence. This includes working closely with other offices such as Student Affairs and to provide educational programming for the campus community, investigate claims of sexual discrimination, harassment, sexual assault, violence or misconduct to identify the appropriate responses or resolutions as may be prescribed by policy and law. The Title IX coordinator will also work with the complainant(s) to assist them in accessing any appropriate internal and external support services.

Is my complaint confidential?

We understand how difficult it can be to file a complaint or concern of this nature. We want members of the campus community to feel comfortable and confident in discussing these issues with us. Downstate will make every effort to keep the complaints and concerns brought to us confidential. Downstate must balance the safety of all members of campus community. There may be times, such as a threat of imminent harm to an individual or the campus at large, when information may need to be shared and then only with appropriate individuals.

What if I choose to make a complaint off campus?

Downstate takes its responsibility to investigate Title IX complaints very seriously and will take appropriate steps to address them. However, no process on campus (including complaints to the Title IX Coordinator) precludes a student or staff member from pursuing assistance from an enforcement agency off campus. SUNY Downstate may continue our investigation as long as it does not interfere with the jurisdiction of an external agency such as the Kings County District Attorney's Office, United States Department of Educations' Office of Civil Rights or the New York State Police Department. The Title IX Coordinator can provide you with more information on how to access these external agencies should you choose to do so.

Are there any other resources on campus?

There are other resources on and off campus that you may choose to utilize. The Title IX Coordinator has information on available internal and external resources, here is a list of some of the resources available to you:


  • Student Health: (718) 270-1995
  • Student Counseling: (718) 270-1408
  • Employee Health: (718) 270-1995
  • Employee Assistance Program: (718) 270-1489
  • Department of Police and Public Safety: (718) 270-2626
  • Office of Labor Relations: (718) 270-3019


  • Kings County District Attorney Victim Services Unit: (718) 250-3820
  • NYC Police Department Sex Crimes Reporting Unit: (212) 267-7273 (RAPE)
  • NYC Safe Horizon Hotline: (212) 577-7777
  • Kings County Rape Crisis Program Coordinator: (718) 613-8113

For more information about reporting and resources please see the Sexual Assault Survivor Bill of Rights.



I am concerned about retaliation

Retaliation of any kind will not be tolerated. This prohibition includes any retaliation against a person who has filed a complaint of sexual harassment as well as anyone who assists in an investigation or in good faith provides information on behalf of a party. Retaliation against anyone who reports in good faith or participates in the investigative process is prohibited and may be viewed as harassment itself and may be subject to sanctions as determined by the University.

Title IX Policies

SUNY Downstate is in full compliance with current regulations issued by the United States Department of Education related to Title IX. The United States Department of Education has issued new Title IX regulations which becomes effective on August 1, 2024. For the most up to date regulations, and any changes to our policies which may be impacted by these changes, visit the Student Policies Page web site, where the most up to date policies are located.

Student Policies Page

The Title IX Coordinator and the Office for Institutional Equity is available to provide information and support. We hope to raise awareness and provide guidance that will help our campus community safe. If you have any questions about Title IX, Title VII or help understanding the resources available contact us at (718) 270-1738.