

The State University of New York and SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University are committed to creating and fostering an environment of safety and respect. To that end the following policies and procedures were created to further our efforts at preventing and responding to behaviors that put the campus at risk including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and/or stalking. For more information on our policies please contact the Title IX Coordinator at (718) 270-1738, and for more information on the student conduct process please contact the Office of Student Affairs at (718) 270-2187.

  1. Sexual Violence Response Policy
  2. SUNY Sexual Violence Prevention (SVP) Campus Climate Survey Summary
  3. SUNY Consent Definition and Amnesty Policy
  4. Students' Bill of Rights
  5. Options for Confidentially Disclosing Sexual Violence
  6. Discrimination Complaint Procedure
  7. A list of all SUNY resources, listed by campus, is available on the SUNY Sexual Assault & Violence Response (SAVR) resource page.