
IMPACT 2030 Strategic Plan Officially Launched

By Office of the President | Nov 8, 2022

Impact 2030

Following more than a year of work that began in 2018 with a planned rollout of the IMPACT 2025 Strategic Plan in March 2020, last week, I was proud to officially launch IMPACT 2030, our newly-renamed Strategic Plan.

Following the onset, the run-up to, and the apex of the COVID pandemic, the strategies and tactics outlined in the original IMPACT 2025 Strategic Plan underwent a revision and process reassessment in light of a changed, pandemic-weary world. Accordingly, the Strategic Planning Committee took time to regroup and reassess the five institutional verticals vis-à-vis the manner in which the pandemic has now caused businesses and individuals to function.

The process to develop IMPACT 2030 began in 2018 with the formation of workgroups tasked with setting three goals in each of five areas directly tied to Downstate’s mission – Clinical Care, Educational Excellence, Research and Discovery, Downstate and the Community, and Organizational Culture and Transformation.

Led by Chairs who formed a Plan Development Steering Committee, the workgroups met for nearly 18 months to finalize the various goals. The five workgroups included over 100 staff, students, and faculty across the campus. An offsite retreat and institutional leadership also helped to shape the final version.

During last week’s town hall, the IMPACT 2030 implementation team discussed the process for developing and finalizing the plan. They highlighted the goals aligned with each of the five areas and also discussed activities to date during our launch delay. The presentation ended with the next steps for implementation, including phasing of goals, data collection and measurement, and reporting through dashboards and other communication mechanisms.

IMPACT 2030 will be a helpful framework as Downstate moves forward with its implementation efforts and continues to be led by a solid and diverse group of participants from across the institution.

Thanks to Heidi J. Aronin, MPA, Senior Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer; Lori Bruno, MPH, Assistant Vice President, Office of Planning, for leading this effort; and to the phenomenally hard-working team in the Planning Office, including Nancy Victor, MHS, MPA, Director of Business Planning; Wolf Lacossiere, MPA, Director of Strategy and Community Campus Initiatives; and Erika Reid, Office Coordinator. Ms. Bruno directed the strategic planning process. I also extend gratitude to the various chairs, subcommittees members, and each individual who contributed to the development of IMPACT 2030.

Chairs for each committee included:

  1. Clinical Care – Jameela Yusuff, M.D., MPH, Chief Medical Officer
  2. Educational Excellence – Jeffrey Putman, Ed.D., Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs
  3. Research and Discovery – David Christini, Ph.D., Senior Vice President for Research
  4. Downstate and the Community – Alishia Goodridge, MLS, MBA, Assistant Vice President for Government and Community Relations
  5. Organizational Culture and Transformation – Dawn S. Walker, MPA, Vice President for Communications & Marketing

Click here to read the IMPACT 2030 Strategic Plan and Executive Summary.


Tags: Strategic Plan