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Susan W. Law, DO, MPH

Clinical Associate Professor of Neurology, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University
Director of Stroke Center, Kings County Hospital

    Academic Qualifications:
    • DO: New York College of Osteopathic Medicine, NY
    • Neurology Residency: SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, NY
    • Cerebrovascular Diseases Fellowship: SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, NY
    • Masters of Public Health, Epidemiology: SUNY Downstate School of Public Health
    Clinical Subspecialty:

    Cerebrovascular diseases

    Research Interests:
    • Neuroimaging of stroke
    • Clinical trials – ARCADIA
    • Hospital QI (medication adherence, hospital readmission)
    Patient Appointments:

    Fridays 1-5pm, 1st floor Building E, NYC Health and Hospital / Kings County

    Peer-reviewed Publications
    • McCuaig E, Balucani C, Weedon J, Gilles N, Tsui CL, Tan L, Singer J, Law SW, Levine SR: Beta blockers do not increase the risk of post-stroke depression. Stroke 2018;49:TP159. Neurology 2018;90 (Supplement): P3.221.
    • Tan L, Weedon J, Tsui C, McCuaig E, Gilles N, Balucani C, Singer J, Law SW,Levine SR: Depression, fatigue, and their association with post-stroke disability. Neurology 2018;90 (Supplement):P5.196.
    • Tsui CL, Balucani C, Weedon J, McCuaig E, Tan L, Law SW, Gilles N, Singer J, Levine SR: Do selected stroke risk factors predict post-stroke fatigue in an urban minority population? Neurology 2018;90 (Supplement):P3.224.
    • Ninan S, Gilles N, Weedon J, Balucani C, Singer J, Law S, Levine SR: Motor impairment and lack of functional independence as predictors of depression in post-stroke patients. Neurology 2018;90 (Supplement):P3.217.
    • Lyons LJ, Law SW, and Kubie JL. “Salt and Pepper” Pontine Infarct. J Neuroophthalmol37(3): 276-280, 2017. PMID: 27525479.
    • Qureshi AI, Palesch YY, Barsan WG, Hanley DF, Hsu CY, Martin RL, Moy CS, Silbergleit R, Steiner T, Suarez JI, Toyoda K, Wang Y, Yamamoto H, Yoon BW; ATACH-2 Trial Investigators and the Neurological Emergency Treatment Trials Network. (SWLaw, Site PI). Intensive Blood-Pressure Lowering in Patients with Acute Cerebral Hemorrhage. NEJM375(11): 1033-1043, 2016. PMID 27276234.
    • Rahbar MH, Dickerson AS, Cai C, Pedroza C, Hessabi M, Shen L, Pandurengan R, Jacobs ANM, Indupuru H, Sline MR, Delgado RI, Macdonald C, Ford GA, Grotta JC, Barreto AD.; ARTSS-2 Investigators (SW Law, Site Co-I). Methodological issues for designing and conducting a multicenter, international clinical trial in Acute Stroke: Experience from ARTSS-2 trial. Contemp Clin Trials139-148, 2015. PMID: 26278031.
    • Balucani C, Bianchi R, Ramkishun C, Weedon J, Law S,Szarek M, Rojas-Soto D, Tariq S, Levine SR. Rapidly improving stroke symptoms: a pilot, prospective study. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis24(6): 1211-1216, 2015. PMID: 25869774.
    • Connor JT, Broglio KR, Durkalski V, Meurer WJ, Johnston KC; SHINE trial investigators (SW Law, Site PI). The Stroke Hyperglycemia Insulin Network Effort (SHINE) trial: an adaptive trial design case study. Trials16:72, 2015. PMID: 25885963.
    • Singer J, Conigliaro A, Spina E, Law SW, Levine SR. Central Post-Stroke Pain: A Systematic Review. Int J Stroke12(4): 343-355, 2017. PMID: 28494691.
    • Law SW, Levine SR. Stroke: Support for IV tPA in ischaemic stroke in elderly people. Nat Rev Neurol. 12(1): 8-9, 2016. PMID: 26670296.
    Book Chapters
    • Marchidann A, Law S,Levine SR. Scleroderma and Stroke. In: Uncommon Causes of Stroke, 3rdEdition, L. Caplan and J. Biller (eds.), Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2018 (in press)
    • Law S,Rosenbaum DM. Stroke in Adults, Etiologies. In: Neurologic Differential Diagnosis: A Case-Based Approach.A.B. Ettinger and D.M. Weisbrot (eds.), Chapter 71, pp. 432-443, Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2014
    Case Reports
    • Brazg J, Ruest A, Law S,Bosoy D. A Therapeutic Fast for Lymphoma Resulting in Wernicke Encephalopathy. J Emerg Med49(4): 471-474, 2015. PMID: 26104844.
    • Law S,Panichpisal K, Demede M, John S, Marmur JD, Nath J, Baird AE. Contrast-Induced Neurotoxicity Following Cardiac Catheterization. Case Rep Med. 2012: 267860. PMID: 23251169.
    Letters to the Editor
    • Ramirez-Abreu DG, Law SW. Rapid-Onset Cognitive Impairment Due to Bilateral Medial-Thalamic Infarcts. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci23(3): E31-32, 2011. PMID: 21948919.
    Abstracts and Presentations at National Meetings
    • Cuascut Lassus F. and Law S.  Patient characteristics affecting stroke recognition by emergency medical service providers in Kings County Hospital Center.  NeurologyVol. 88, Suppl. 16, Poster Abstract #3819.  American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA 2017
    • Savjani M, Treidler S, Law S, Marchidann A.  Postpartum Thrombosis of Developmental Venous Anomaly Complicated by Venous Infarct and Subarachnoid Hemorrhage. Neurology Vol. 88, Suppl. 16, Poster Abstract #749.  AAN Annual Meeting, Boston, MA 2017
    • Singer J, Conigliaro A, Spina E, Law S, Levine S.  Central Post Stroke Pain: A Systematic Review. Neurology Vol. 88, Suppl. 16, Poster Abstract #2929. AAN Annual Meeting, Boston, MA 2017
    • Huang A, Singer J, Balucani C, Stefanov D, Halket D, Mlabasati J, Toy G, Ahmed A, Gilles N, Law S, Levine S.  Purpose in Life and Daytime Sleepiness in Post-Stroke Fatigue. Neurology Vol. 88, Suppl. 16,Poster Abstract #2149.  AAN Annual Meeting, Boston, MA 2017
    • Ahmed A, Singer J, Stefanov D, Balucani C, Toy G, Huang A, Law S, Levine S. Post Stroke Fatigue in African/Caribbean Americans: Role of Stroke Severity, Depression, and Quality of Life. Neurology Vol. 88, Suppl. 16,Poster Abstract #1419.  AAN Annual Meeting, Boston, MA 2017
    • Rudolph S, Law S, Morhaim H, Slater J.  Tablet Computers Address Limitations of Telestroke Systems. Neurology, Vol. 82, Suppl. 10, Platform session S5.003. AAN Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2014.
    • Balucani C, Mangla S, Marchidann A, Szarek M, Usama W, Lederman Y, Ramkishun C, Wang L, Brandler E, Chatterjee P, Law S, Linden C, Michandani G, Rojas-Soto D, Rosenbaum D, Shwarzberg H, Sinert R, Silverberg M, Valsamis H, Vulkanov V, Zehtabchi S, Aharonoff D, Gugger J, Sharma M, Truong A, Levine S.  The REliability of MObile TEchnologies for Acute Stroke Neuroimaging Data Interpretation: The REMOTE Study.Neurology, Vol. 82, Suppl 10, Platform session S5.001. AAN Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2014.
    • Balucani C, Law S, Ramkishun C, Szarek M, Rojas-Soto D, Vulkanov V, Khandelwal P, Tan B, Tariq S, Bulic S, Steinberg L, Levine SR. Rapidly Improving Stroke Symptoms (RISS): A Prospective, Pilot Study. Stroke Vol 45, Suppl. 1, AW P62. International Stroke Conference, San Diego, CA, 2014.
    • Law S, Hao Q, Rojas-Soto D, Yu H, Baird A.  Relation of Intracranial Stenosis and Elevated Carotid Intimal Medial Thickness in Black Caribbean Ischemic Stroke Patients.NeurologyVol. 80, Suppl. 7, P03.187, AAN Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, 2013.
    Mentored Abstracts Presented at Downstate Annual Research Day
    • Gonzalez-Gomez H, Abrams A, Law SW.  Atypical Case of Intracranial Arterial Dolichoectasia Presenting with Bilateral Cranial Neuropathy.  Poster Abstract A33.  Annual Research Day, SUNY Downstate.  Brooklyn, NY 2018
    • Corti SJ, Soh JY, Law SW.  Characterization of Striatocapsular Hemorrhage in Community Hospital Cohort of African-Carribean Patients.  Poster Abstract B12.  Annual Research Day, SUNY Downstate. Brooklyn, NY 2017
    • Radaideh Y, Law SW.  A Dural Arteriovenous Fistula Secondary to Cerebral Venous Thrombosis.  Poster Abstract B12.  Annual Research Day, SUNY Downstate, Brooklyn, NY 2017
    • Cuascut F, Law SW.  The Effect of Patient Characteristics on Recognition by Emergency Medical service Providers at Kings County Hospital Center.  Poster Abstract B16.  Annual Research Day, SUNY Downstate, Brooklyn, NY 2017
    • Law S,Janjua N.  Triaging Stroke from the Field – The Prehospital Aspect. The Core: Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology (SVIN) Quarterly Newsletter, December 2010/January 2011: 3.
    • Ramirez-Abreu, DG, Law S.Current Status of Primary and Comprehensive Stroke Centers in the United States. The Core: SVIN QuarterlyNewsletter,May/June 2010: 5.
    • Ramirez-Abreu, DG, Law S.SVIN Meeting Summary. The Core: SVIN Quarterly Newsletter,March/April 2010: 4. 

    Department Links
