Student Center Governing Board
The Student Center is the heart of social and community activity on the Downstate campus. Working hand-in-hand with all other student councils, the Faculty-Student Association, and school administrative bodies, the members of the Student Center Governing Board (SCGB) have a crucial and highly influential role in shaping the social, recreational, and athletic affairs of the University student body.

The SCGB is open to all SUNY Downstate students.
The board meets once a month on Tuesdays at 6pm in the Student Center reading room, and its meetings are open to all those who wish to attend. The ten voting members are elected in the spring of the preceding year, but all attendees are encouraged to participate.
The Student Center Governing Board sponsors many of the campus activities, including monthly Coffeehouses, weekly Movie Nights, monthly craft nights, Basketball Intramurals, Mini Courses and Spring fling ball-the annual semi-formal dance.
Participating on the Student Center Governing Board is not only a great way to get connected with all the people, activities, events, and policy-making of the campus, but a wonderful experience as well. The business of the board is always brief and productive, with a significant percentage of time devoted to the purpose of improving student life on campus. If you are interested in having a rewarding, influential, and enjoyable role in student life and campus activity, then SCGB is your ticket.
If you are interested please contact a Student Center staff member.