
Where To Get Letters

Good Academic Standing

Basic letters certifying that you are enrolled as a student in school, or in good academic standing, etc., may be obtained directly from the Office of the Registrar.

Letters for applications for away (extramural) electives are also obtained from the Office of the Registrar.

Scholarship Letters & School Letters of Recommendation for Special Programs

If you are applying for a scholarship, award, or special program (e.g., summer research, summer clinical, Alaska Health Service elective, NIH research year, etc.) that requires a letter of recommendation from the school, a letter from the dean, or something more than attendance, this goes through the Office of Student Affairs. Allow 5 business days for completion.

Please include the following in your request: Your name, the nature of your request, the complete title and mailing address of where the letter should be sent, any deadline date, any items, which must be included in the letter, and any information which you would like included about activities, which you have been involved in during medical school.

Scholarship Letters and School Letters of Recommendation Form

Faculty Letters of Recommendation

If you are an MS 1 student applying for a summer program or a scholarship which requires a faculty letter of recommendation, your preceptors, small group discussion leaders, etc. that you have had in your courses may be able to write you a letter if you don’t feel you know your block director well enough.

If you are still having issues or don’t have enough references, then drop off a copy of what you are applying for to the Office of Student Affairs along with a note describing your problem.

Jury Duty

You can obtain a letter from the Office of Student Affairs which requests a State or Federal court to postpone your dates of jury service, although we have no guarantee that the court will accept the request.

To request a postponement, you should bring the original copy of your summons to the Office of Student Affairs as soon as you receive it, but no later than one week prior to the date it calls you to serve. The court’s final decision prevails and the court may require you to serve or give them an alternate date to serve, such as during your vacation period. Being a student, in and of itself, does not necessarily excuse you from jury service.

Please note: When requesting your postponement, you should be sure to provide the court with a request for postponement from The Office of Student Affairs. Not providing the letter from the Office of Student Affairs may result in your being required to serve later without the possibility of postponement.

Under no circumstances should you ignore a summons to serve and we will not be able to provide you a postponement letter after your date of service has passed, if you have previously ignored a summons, or if your summons states "Must Serve."