
Alumni Stories

Zeema Hossain

Zeema Hussain
Class of 2018

Thoughts about HI Program

I started my professional career as a registered respiratory therapist delivering direct patient care in hospitals and various healthcare facilities. While doing so, my eagerness to achieve a higher degree, where I can apply my clinical experiences in a field that is the future of healthcare has led me to achieve a master's in Health Informatics. I could never be more content of the choice that I have made by enrolling in the HIMS program At SUNY Downstate. The accommodating schedule of this program, allowed me to be a full time graduate student, a full time clinician and a part time instructor. The unconditional support received from the faculty members from this program is one of the many aspects that has stood out to me. This program helps you match with internships to explore your areas of interest. The curriculum has provided me with a strong foundation to build on and has given me the ability to become a progressive health information technology professional.

Magdalena Rzeszotko

Magdalena Rzeszotko
Class of 2016

Thoughts about HI Program

I entered the health care profession with hopes of protecting and advocating for the wellbeing of the population. Working in clinical setting at New York Presbyterian Hospital made me realize that clinical information systems, data collection and data analysis have a notable impact on sustaining successful and cost-effective healthcare system. Technology holds an essential role in establishing safer and more efficient patient care.

Health Informatics program at SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University presents me with a platform to advance my knowledge in the field of health information technology. It allows me to combine my clinical background and strong interests in technology to achieve highest-level of education. Medical Informatics program at SUNY Downstate incorporates balanced combination of theoretical and practical curriculum.

My experience with the program has been nothing but excellent. Academic faculty has been encouraging and supportive, what consequently has allowed me to grow beyond my expectations. I would undoubtedly recommend this program to potential students as it offers a well-defined, comprehensive curriculum taught by knowledgeable and experienced professors. I’m very satisfied with choosing SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University for my Masters Degree in Health Informatics.

I enjoy being a part of an innovative process that strives to improve lives of patients on a national level. My goal is to continue advancing my knowledge in this exciting and evolving field. I would like to become a robust contributor to overall innovation of healthcare delivery systems for the best interest of others.

Tameca Miller

Tameca Miller
Class of 2016


Thoughts about HI Program

My name is Tameca Miller and my story for joining the Health Informatics Master program at SUNY Downstate is a unique one that may sound familiar to some. I started off my career with a Bachelor degree in Nursing from Medgar Evers College of Nursing. When working in community health and ambulatory care nursing, I always shared an interest in the EHR that my organization had implemented at the time. I attended training with enthusiasm to learn and assist in problem solving. My background was well received when the informatics team needed to prototype a new update or to integrate a new device into the current workflow of the practice. With the knowledge and skill I obtained from working on the floors in the clinical setting, I was presented the opportunity to become a super user. That decision changed my life!!! The exposure I received led me to my current occupation as a Clinical Analyst level 2. More responsibilities came with the title but the ride is great.

I became interested in the SUNY Health Informatics Program from attending its open house which was hosted by Dr. Topor. He was able to fill in many gaps in explaining the history and true meaning of Health Informatics. With the evolution of health care, I have to say this program serves a needed purpose. My main goal is to continue to grow in the field and to learn enough to make a historical change is this large domain.

Sebastian Stanescu

Sebastian Stanescu
Class of 2014

Thoughts about HI Program

The Downstate Health Informatics program offered me the ability to combine both the clinical knowledge I attained in medical school, and the IT skills I acquired over the past 20 years. The program introduced me another side of medicine that I now prefer and enjoy. What I truly appreciated about the program, was the comradery and diverse professional backgrounds of my classmates. We had students from both clinical and IT domains, sharing their experiences and knowledge with one another.

My most memorable class, which had a profound impact on how I now view Information Systems, our System Usability Course (currently offered in the summer, in-between junior and senior years). I apply the methods learned in this class, every single day in my current role as an EHR project manager and always keep the "end-user" in mind.

Education History

Received an MD Diploma in General Medicine from "Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania (2005).

Received my MS degree in Health Informatics from SUNY at Downstate in 2014.


Project Manager and Team Lead for the Information Services (IS) Department - CPOE - Acute Care module for Allscripts Sunrise Clinical Manager (SCM) at New York Presbyterian Hospital.

Currently supervising seven direct reports tasked with receiving and processing SCM configuration requests. Our team conducts workflow analysis with clinical end-users to find appropriate solutions regarding Clinical Documentation, new location builds, Rx/report printer related installations, service desk SCM tickets, and general troubleshooting. Team also conducts post-go live system testing for EHR upgrades, and System Downtime.

photo of Tiffany Daniels

Tiffany Daniels
Class of 2006

Thoughts about HI Program

This program taught me to appreciate the advancements that the healthcare Industry had and is currently making in information technology.

Some courses which I found very interesting are Topics in Medical Informatics and Medical Imaging Systems. Every course in this program is essential to understanding how information systems are important to patient care.

Education History

BS in Computer Engineering, Polytechnic University, 2003


I was hired as an Application Specialist focusing on the implementation of Electronic Medical Record. I will be responsible for providing support and training for the EMR.

Omolara Dademade

Omolara Dademade
Class of 2006

Thoughts about HI Program

The thing I liked most about the HI program was learning about the hot topics in healthcare today, including topics such as data mining, the electronic medical record, and computerized physician order entry. I believe that program helped me to obtain the job that I got by enabling me to speak on new developments in healthcare, such as the electronic medical record, which is what I was hired to work on.

One class in particular that I found very useful was the Evaluation of Healthcare Information Systems class. Through this class I became familiar with the types of challenges and issues involved in implementing new systems in hospitals, and going from a paper-based system to an electronic system. I also learned about various tools that are used for evaluating hospital information systems.

Education History

BS in Computer Science, Polytechnic University, 2002


The job I was hired for is an Epic (EMR) Analyst. I will be providing systems and application support and training for Epic applications. My responsibilities will include design, installation, modification, upgrades, enhancement and support, training, and clinical informatics improvements.