Scheduling of Simulation Activities Policy and Procedure
Scheduling Policy
Scheduling of rooms for simulation activities is made three times per year. Requests must be received by the following deadlines:
- June 30 for Fall Semester Reservations
- November 1 for Spring Semester Reservations
- May 1 for Summer Semester Reservations
It is imperative that room scheduling requests for simulation activities are received on the appropriate simulation scheduling request form. Simulation activities are the first priority for room assignments and take precedence over all other institutional assignment for rooms for other activities.
When considering room scheduling assignments, preference will be given in descending sequential order, to the following:
- all simulation events for the Colleges of Health Related Professions, Medicine, and Nursing
- residency/nursing training programs for the clinical departments
- DMC-sponsored simulation conferences, seminars, symposia and meetings. After the designated deadline, requests for room reservations will be acted upon according to the chronological order in which the requests were received.
Due to the increased utilization of CHS during the fall and spring semesters, it is recommended that residency & UHD nursing programs use CHS during the summer if possible.
Request Procedure
All room scheduling requests are to be made in writing utilizing the designated form, submitted electronically and the form must be filled out completely to avoid any delays in processing. Requests may be submitted via the following:
Mail Stop: # 97
Fax: # 4412
All room reservations are confirmed in writing by CHS.
All simulated experiences should include a planned debriefing session aimed toward promoting reflective thinking. In addition, learners report that the debriefing session is the most important component of a simulated learning experience. If the simulation activity will require a separate debriefing space, which is recommended, the requestor must indicate this on the room request form.
Faculty Orientation
Faculty who will be teaching at CHS for the first time or using either high or low fidelity equipment for the first time must schedule an orientation session prior to their simulation activity. Requests for faculty orientation appointments should be included on the room scheduling form.
Room Assignments
Specific rooms for simulation activities will be assigned with consideration given to the following criteria:
- Rooms designated for specific simulator use
- Size of the group
- Any special requirements/conditions needed in the room (simulator, task trainer, lighting, seating style, audiovisual needs, etc)
- Regularity or consistency of space needs within the semester.
CHS will honor historical precedent in assigning rooms if possible. Unless there is a genuine, substantive need for a simulation activity to be held in a specific room, room assignments will be determined by the CHS administrator(s) based on a variety of factors. Assignments predicated on the rationale that "this is where we have always been" will not be a final determination.
Room Setup
Room setup will be determined by the simulation activity being conducted. If faculty and students rearrange the room during the simulation activity, it is the responsibility of the room requestor to ensure that the room is left in the way it was setup.
Schedule of Activities
The schedule of activities can be found in several locations; a calendar of scheduled activities, a copy of the room assignments day-by-day is posted on the bulletin board located on the first floor where the Basic Sciences Building connects to the Health Science Education Building and outside of each scheduled space is a weekly schedule for that particular space.
Food Policy
Food or drink for group and/or individual consumption is not to be brought into any of the scheduled rooms. It is the responsibility of the room requestor to ensure that rooms are left in clean and proper order after use.
Room Inventory
- Emergency - iStan
- Midwifery Ob/Gyn - Noelle/Victoria
- Pediatrics - Baby Hal/SuperTory
- Multipurpose Room
- SP Exam Rooms
- Special Procedures Room - Ultra Sound