
About Academic Computing & Technology

The office of Academic Computing & Technology, a unit of the Division of Information Services, provides the physical, technological, informational, and human resources that allow members of the Downstate community to create a culture of collaboration and scholarship across the continuum of teaching and learning through the provision and development of:

  • Spaces: Testing and Training labs, Multimedia Labs, Specialized Technology Labs, Presentation Rooms and Learning Space development
  • Technology and Software: Wireless Internet, PCs, Macs, Mobile Device and Laptop support, Scanners, Software, AV Equipment, Clickers, Web Conferencing, Lecture Capture, Courseware, Virtual Microscopy, Share Point, Website, Google Apps
  • Information Resources: Proxy access to Academic Books and Journals, Journal Databases, Digital Repository, Courseware/Testing/Training and other academic software development, Student information systems (Banner) and integration with other data sources, Educational Data Warehouse development (EDW), Assessment automation, Curriculum Management , Document imaging.
  • People: Technology consultation, student information systems, AV and systems support, instructional design, distance learning, training in educational applications and technology, server and systems administration, curricular process automation, staff development and cross training

Academic Computing & Technology is an integrated unit comprised of separate groups that provide academic technology and library system services. These groups work closely together to plan and coordinate customer service to all faculty, staff, students, and community members. We work closely with other units within IT and the Medical Library to provide cross training, develop new information resources and collaborate to streamline services.