BioBat Company Admitted to Mayo Clinic Mentorship Program
By Office of Communications & Marketing | Sep 12, 2022
Biotia, Inc., a woman-led, early-stage health technology startup located at Downstate’s BioBAT life sciences incubator at the Brooklyn Army Terminal, is one of only seven companies admitted to the second cohort of a Mayo Clinic program designed to help health tech startups become market ready.
The Mayo Clinic Platform Accelerate initiative focuses on developing healthcare artificial intelligence (AI) products.
The highly competitive, 20-week mentorship program admits early-stage companies with
breakthrough ideas for improving healthcare to create and refine their business models.
As a member of the Mayo Clinic Platform, Biotia will receive a $200K benefit package that includes access to Mayo’s de-identified datasets, its AI model validation frameworks, guidance on Food and Drug Administration clearance, and clinical workflow planning support.
As a tenant of BioBAT, Biotia has access to benefits that contribute to its success, including sophisticated science space and affordable rents in a tax-free zone. In addition, BioBAT helps nurture a culture of innovation in an empowering environment fueled by Downstate support, where other scientists and entrepreneurs surround each other.
Biotia also recently announced it had raised $8M in Series A financing that will allow Biotia to expand its outreach to companies involved in the diagnosis, mitigation, and control of global infectious diseases.