
Back to New Normal 

New Updates from Back to New Normal 

Some Updates from Back to New Normal

COVID Cases are on the rise...

Indoor Mask Wearing is STILL Mandatory

As a healthcare facility under New York State Department of Health guidelines, masks continue to be required on the SUNY Downstate campus (including satellite locations such as 711 Parkside, etc.). This requirement applies to ALL employees, students, patients, and visitors, regardless of vaccination status, at all times, other than when alone in a private office (which has a door) or while actively eating or drinking in an area where eating or drinking is permitted.  (See below.)  Masks are also still required at Student & Employee Health Services, at any COVID surveillance testing site, and on all Downstate shuttles.


Eat or Drink with Six-Foot Distance or if Outside

Eating and drinking in the cafeteria will again require six foot distance between diners.  In order to be served, individuals must remain masked while lining up to select and purchase food.   Eating and drinking is no longer permitted in workspaces shared by employees or students until further notice.  Be sure to keep your face covering on while in shared spaces (shared offices, open cubicles, classrooms, lounges, or break spaces).  We encourage you to eat in designated spaces outside in the Grove and outside the Student Center where tables have been set up.