Richard Sabel, MA, MPH, OTR, GCFP
Clinical Assistant Professor, Part Time
Occupational Therapy
- Master of Arts, Occupational Therapy, New York University, New York, New York, 1996
- Master of Public Health, Community Health Practice Module, University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston, Texas, 1986
- Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York, 1977
- Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner, 2006
- Annadottir OT-ADL Neurobehavioral Evaluation (A-ONE) Instrument, 2001
- The Assessment of Motor and Process Skills, 2000
Occupational therapists are skilled to serve people with a wide range of challenges. Our understanding of medical conditions, neurology, psychology, assistive technology, and the influence of physical and social environments on function, provides a unique skill set to enhance occupational performance. Building on this unique perspective, I’ve explored how the integration of occupational therapy with Eastern traditions such as Yoga, Tai Chi Quan, meditation, and Western therapeutic approaches such as The Feldenkrais Method, can improve one’s ability to engage in meaningful occupations. I bring this distinctive, integrative approach to my courses at Downstate. Additionally, I have developed an experiential movement curriculum to help students embody their understanding of anatomy and kinesiology. In other words, it helps students experience the difference between efficient and inefficient movement patterns. This component also clarifies how concepts from kinesiology can serve as an effective guide to promote functional movement and the performance of everyday occupations. Throughout my academic career I have continued clinical practice, working with clients individually, and organizing programs in community centers on topics such as fall prevention, pain management, pelvic health, mindfulness, and breath.
Scholarly, Clinical, and Community Service Interests:- Member of the State Board for Occupational Therapy, 2018- present
- Sabel, R., Gallagher, B. (2015). Occupational therapy interventions for pelvic floor disorders. OT Practice, 20 (10), 20-21.
- Sabel, R., Gallagher, B. (2014). We-wi ("without effort"): using tai chi chuan to promote occupational therapy performance. OT Practice, 19 (7), 16-19.
- Sabel, R., Gallagher, B. (2012). Meditation: a mindful approach to promoting occupational performance. OT Practice, 17 (11), 17-18.
- Gallagher, B., Sabel, R. (2008). The Right Path: Restorative yoga can provide a potent rehab intervention. Advance for Physical Therapists & PT Assistants, 19 (2), 24-27.
- Sabel, R., Gallagher, B. (2007). Restorative Yoga: an integrative approach to promote occupational Performance. OT Practice, 12 (19), 16-21
- Sabel, R., Gallagher, B. (2006). Peak performance: a breath therapy program to promote occupational performance. OT Practice, 11 (1), 15-19.
- Sabel, R., Gallagher, B. (2005). Restorative yoga. Advance for Occupational Therapy Practitioners, 20 (21), 50-52.
- Tewfik, D., Sabel, R. (2004). Testimony: advocacy in action. OT Practice, 9 (20), 13-16.
- Fall prevention
- Movement strategies to improve occupational performance for client's with movement disorders
- Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
- Neurological Disorders – CVA, Movement Disorders
- Geriatrics and Aging in Place
- Integrative Rehab
- Chronic Pain
- Pelvic Health
- Breathing Pattern Inefficiencies and COPD
- Movement for Function
- Sabel, R., Caruso, C., Lin, A., Forchhemier, I., Percoco, K. (2022). Easy does it: a zoom group program for older adults with urinary incontinence. Today’s Geriatric Medicine, 15(6), 14-17.
- Sabel, R., Balton, K., Reyes, I., Rozas, K., Serebryansky, B. (2021). Easy does it: an occupational therapy-based fall prevention program. Today’s Geriatric Medicine, 14 (1), 14-17.
- Sabel, R., Gallagher, B. (2015). Occupational therapy interventions for pelvic floor disorders. OT Practice, 20 (10), 20-21.
- Sabel, R., Gallagher, B. (2014). We-wi ("without effort"): using tai chi chuan to promote occupational therapy performance. OT Practice, 19 (7), 16-19.
- Sabel, R., Gallagher, B. (2012). Meditation: a mindful approach to promoting occupational performance. OT Practice, 17 (11), 17-18.
- Gallagher, B., Sabel, R. (2008). The Right Path: Restorative yoga can provide a potent rehab intervention. Advance for Physical Therapists & PT Assistants, 19 (2), 24-27.
- Sabel, R., Gallagher, B. (2007). Restorative Yoga: an integrative approach to promote occupational Performance. OT Practice, 12 (19), 16-21
- Sabel, R., Gallagher, B. (2006). Peak performance: a breath therapy program to promote occupational performance. OT Practice, 11 (1), 15-19.
- Sabel, R., Gallagher, B. (2005). Restorative yoga. Advance for Occupational Therapy Practitioners, 20 (21), 50-52.
- Tewfik, D., Sabel, R. (2004). Testimony: advocacy in action. OT Practice, 9 (20), 13-16.
Regional/National/International Presentations:
- “Using Tai Chi Chuan to Promote Occupational Performance for Occupational Therapy.com on February 16th, 2023.
- Université Episcopale d’Haïti Faculté des Sciences de Réhabilitation de Léogâne. Course Coordinator and Instructor for Assistive technology and Environmental Adaptations, January 2023.
- Filmed 30-minute segment for Columbia University’s Self-Compassion and Mindfulness for the Helping Professions Program, January 2023.
- Presentation on pelvic health for family practice physicians at King’s County Hospital, Brooklyn, NY on August 31st, 2022.
- “Mindfulness Practices for Managing Pain and Promoting Occupational Performance” for the New York State Occupational Therapy Association’s Dessert & Dialogue program on May 25th 2022 via Zoom.
- Interprofessional Panel Discussion for Downstate Medical Center’s Transition to Residency Course on April 28th, 2022
- “Easy Does It Movement Program” virtual reality recording for Rendever’s senior living facilities program on April 23rd, 2022.
- Series of lectures on the following topics: Geriatrics, Fall Prevention, Lower Extremity Interventions, and Low Vision for the Université Episcopale d’Haïti Faculté des Sciences de Réhabilitation de Léogâne on April 16th, 17th, 19th, 26th, and 30th 2022 via Zoom.
- “Ageism” and “Dementia” lectures for Downstate Medical Center’s Medical Student Geriatric Clerkship Program on April 14th and April 21st 2022, Brooklyn, NY.
- “Moving Forward: Occupational Therapy’s Unique Contribution in Treating and Promoting Pelvic Health” lecture and lab for New York University’s Occupational Therapy Program on April 7th, 2022.
- “Ageism” and “Incontinence and Pelvic health” lectures recorded for the Epidemiology of Aging Program, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, Brooklyn, NY, March 2022.
- “Moving Forward: Occupational Therapy’s Unique Contribution in Treating and Promoting Pelvic Health” for Occupational Therapy.com on March 21st, 2022.
- “Movement for Function” at Columbia University’s Occupational Therapy Program on March 20th, 2022, New York, NY.
- Ageism” and “Dementia” lectures for Downstate Medical Center’s Medical Student Geriatric Clerkship Program on March 17th and March 24th 2022, Brooklyn, NY.
- Université Episcopale d’Haïti Faculté des Sciences de Réhabilitation de Léogâne. Instructor for Assistive technology and Environmental Adaptations, February 2022.
- “Grand Rounds: Pain Case Studies and the Role of OT” for Occupational Therapy.com on October 12th, 2021.
- “Mindfulness Practices for Managing Pain and Promoting Occupational Performance” for the New York State Occupational Therapy’s Desert and Dialogue program on October 12th, 2021.
- Two lectures “The Multifactorial Nature of Falls and Therapeutic Interventions” and “Dementia” for the Université Episcopale d’Haïti Faculté des Sciences de Réhabilitation de Léogâne on August 24th and August 27th.
- “Moving Forward: Occupational Therapy’s Unique Contribution in Treating and Promoting Pelvic Health” for Occupational Therapy.com on June 1st, 2021.
- “Movement for Function” virtual workshop for the New York State Occupational Therapy Association on May 16th, 2021.
- Interprofessional Panel Discussion for Downstate Medical Center’s Transition to Residency Course on May 6th, 2021.
- “Living Life to its Fullest: One Breath at a Time” for Occupational Therapy.com on April 22nd, 2021.
- “Moving Forward: Occupational Therapy’s Unique Contribution in Treating Incontinence + More” at New York University’s Occupational Therapy Program on April 1st, 2021, New York, NY.
- “Restorative Yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong and Feldenkrais: An Integrative Approach to Promote Occupational Performance” at Columbia University’s Occupational Therapy Program on March 28th and April 3rd, 2021, New York, NY.
- “Movement for Function” at Columbia University’s Occupational Therapy Program on March 21st, 2021, New York, NY.
- “Mindfulness Practices for Managing Pain and Promoting Occupational Performance” for Occupational Therapy.com on January 27th, 2021.
- “The Easy Does It Approach to Improved Pelvic Health and Wellness” for the Université Episcopale d’Haïti Faculté des Sciences de Réhabilitation de Léogâne on January 24th, January 31st, February 7th, February 21st, and March 1st, 2021.
- “Living Life to its Fullest One Breath at a Time” for the New York State Occupational Therapy Association’s Dessert & Dialogue Lecture Series on December 17th, 2020.
- “Occupational Therapy and Productive Aging” for Downstate Medical Center’s Medical Student Geriatric Clerkship Program on May 18th, June 9th, July 16th, July 23rd, and August 11th, 2020, Brooklyn, NY.
- “An Occupational Therapy Approach to Fall Prevention” for Downstate Medical Center’s medical student geriatric clerkship program on May 20th, June 11th , July 23rd , and August 25th 2020, Brooklyn, NY.
Regional/National/International Presentations:
- “Using Tai Chi Chuan to Promote Occupational Performance” for the New York State Occupational Therapy Association’s Dessert & Dialogue Lecture Series on May 26th, 2020.
- “Moving Forward: Occupational Therapy’s Unique Contribution in Treating Incontinence + More” at New York University’s Occupational Therapy Program on April 2nd, 2020, New York, NY.
- “Restorative Yoga, Tai Chi, Qigong and Feldenkrais: An Integrative Approach to Promote Occupational Performance” at Columbia University’s Occupational Therapy Program on January 26th and February 2nd, 2020, New York, NY.
- “Movement for Function” at Columbia University’s Occupational Therapy Program on January 19th, 2020, New York, NY.
- “Bridging Mind Body Practices and Occupational Therapy to Promote Productive Aging” at the New York State Occupational Therapy Association’s Annual conference on November 9th, 2019, Palisades, NY.
Honors and Awards:
- Appointed to the State Board for Occupational Therapy, 2018- present.
- Honorary Membership Award given by the New York State Occupational Therapy Association, October 2022.
- President’s Award given by the New York State Occupational Therapy Association, November 2021.
- Merit Award for Service given by the New York State Occupational Therapy Association, November 2020.
- Merit Award for Practice given by the New York State Occupational Therapy Association, November 2018.
- The Dr. Donald Schert Faculty Excellence Award, College of Health-Related Professions, Downstate Medical Center, 2017.
- Abreu Award, Metropolitan District of the New York State Occupational Therapy Association, 2007.
- New York State Occupational Therapy Association Certificate of Recognition, 2003, 2005.