Residential Life Policy on Opioid Overdose Prevention in College Housing
The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that all residents and staff are aware of – and prepared to effectively respond to – opioid overdoses, prioritizing the health and safety of the campus community.
Policy Overview
SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University is dedicated to providing a safe living environment. This Policy outlines the procedures for responding to opioid overdoses within residence halls and ensures that all staff and residents are equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary for emergency response.
Emergency Response Procedures
- Identification: If an opioid overdose is suspected, recognize signs such as unresponsiveness, slow or irregular breathing, or blue/gray skin or lips.
- Immediate Action: Contact University Police immediately by dialing x2626 from any campus phone or (718) 270-2626 from a cellular phone. Provide the Dispatcher with clear information about the situation and the location.
- Naloxone Administration: Naloxone (Narcan) kits are available at various locations on campus.
- Use naloxone if available and trained to do so while waiting for emergency responders.
Training and Resources
- Staff Training: Staff in Residence Life and University Police and Public Safety Officers will receive training on recognizing opioid overdose symptoms and the proper use of naloxone. Training will be conducted annually and whenever updates to procedures occur.
- Resident Education: Educational materials on opioid overdose prevention and response will be provided to all residents at the beginning of each academic year. Workshops or information sessions may also be organized to raise awareness.
Reporting and Follow-Up
- Incident Reporting: All incidents involving opioid overdoses must be reported to Residential Life and University Police. Documentation and incident reports will be used for follow-up and to review procedures.
- Support Services: Affected individuals will be offered counseling and support services through the SUNY Downstate Counseling Center (for students) or Employee Assistance Program (for staff).
Policy Review
- Review and Updates: This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect best practices and changes in regulations or available resources.
For the most accurate and up-to-date information, please consult SUNY Downstate’s Residential Life Office or SUNY Downstate’s official policies on health and safety.
Contact Information:
- Residential Life Office: (718) 270-1466 or
- University Police: (718) 270-2626
- Student Health Services: (718) 270-2018
If you have any specific questions or need additional details, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Residential Life office directly.
Last Updated: August 1, 2024