Business and Commercial Activities on Campus, Distribution of Printed Information and Marketing of Credit Cards
In accordance with SUNY policy 5605 (last updated 5/23/79): “No authorization will be given to private commercial enterprises to operate on State University campuses or in facilities furnished by the University other than to provide for food; legal beverages; campus bookstore; vending; linen supply; laundry; dry cleaning; banking; barber and beautician services; and cultural events..” This resolution shall not be deemed to apply to Faculty Student Association activities approved by the University.
The contract between SUNY and Faculty Student Association provides for the operation of activities such as those described above plus other auxiliary services and facilities for students, faculty, and staff as authorized by the President of Downstate Health Sciences University or their designee.
All student organizations engaged in selling a product or services on campus MUST get approval from the Office of Student Life with regard to the proper guidelines and procedures to be followed.
The peddling of newspapers or handbills which convey a point of view in the public areas of a SUNY campus is protected by the First Amendment. Public areas include the main lobby of the Student Center and sidewalks, but not areas such as corridors, rooms and all other lobbies in buildings.
Harassment or intimidation of members of the campus community by persons selling goods or services or proselytizing points of view or cause may require the removal of individuals from University property in accordance with the rules for the maintenance of public order.
Announcements offering subscriptions to newspapers and magazines or other goods or services may be placed on established bulletin boards on campus only after approval has been obtained from the University official in charge of the area in which the bulletin board is located. Door to door solicitation is not permitted on campus. Unaddressed hand bills and other notices of goods or services for sale are not to be sent through the campus mail, distributed to persons, or placed on vehicles on campus property.
Activities such as craft fairs and flea markets approved in advance by the proper authority (such as the Office of Student Life, SUNY Downstate Facilities Use Committee) may be held on campus. Such activities are limited to participation by students, faculty, and staff, and invited members of the public, and must be under the on-site control of a recognized campus organization. Commercial vendors are not permitted to sell or offer items for sale at events such as fairs and flea markets.
Political parties are also prohibited from soliciting funds or promoting membership on State University facilities.
Recognized University activities such as the performing arts and athletic, cultural, social, educational, or recreational events are not commercial by nature and are the responsibility of sponsoring campus organizations within the limits of their charter and/or University policy and regulations.
When approval has been granted to authorized individuals or organizations to engage in business or commercial activities on campus, they are subject to all University regulations. Violations may require revocation of approval to operate on campus.
Marketing of Credit Cards to Students
In accordance with the legal requirements of NYS Education Law §6437, SUNY Downstate prohibits the advertising, marketing, or merchandising of credit cards on campus to students, unless expressly authorized and registered by the Faculty Student Association and approved by the Vice President for Student Affairs. Registrants will be limited to specified dates and areas and are prohibited from offering gifts to a student in exchange for completing a credit card application. Students are cautioned that external commercial entities may inappropriately solicit services and/or information from students for the purpose of inappropriately or illegally conducting business on the campus and/or the marketing of credit card services to other students. Students are urged to reject such solicitations or if uncertain of its validity to consult in advance with the Office of Student Affairs about the specific activity. Improper solicitations to market credit card services to students should be reported to the Office of Student Affairs.
Last Updated: July, 2024