
Advisory Committee on Campus Security


What is the Advisory Committee on Campus Security?

SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University has established an Advisory Committee on Campus Security in compliance with New York State Education Law 129a Section 6431.  (This Committee was formerly known as the “Personal Safety Committee” under SUNY Policy and is in compliance with SUNY Policy 5401.)

The Committee is charged by law with reviewing current campus security policies and procedures, and with making regular recommendations for improvements to the University President.

The Committee is co-chaired by a representative from Student Affairs and a representative of the University Police Department.

Committee Composition

The Committee shall consist of a minimum of six members:

  1. at least half of the Committee shall be female;
  2. one-third of the Committee shall be appointed from a list of students that contains at least twice the number to be appointed, which is provided by the largest student governance organization on the campus;
  3. one-third of the Committee shall be appointed from a list of faculty members that contains twice the number to be appointed, which is provided by the largest faculty organization on the campus; and
  4. one-third of the Committee shall be selected by the President.

Committee Charge

The Committee shall review current campus security policies and procedures and make recommendations for their improvement. It shall specifically review current policies, plans and procedures for:

  1. educating the campus community, including security personnel and those persons who advise or supervise students, about sexual assault pursuant to §6432 of Article 129-A of NYS Education Law;
  2. educating the campus community about personal safety and crime prevention;
  3. reporting sexual assaults and dealing with victims during investigations;
  4. referring complaints to appropriate authorities;
  5. counseling victims; and
  6. responding to inquiries from concerned persons.

The Committee shall issue an annual report to the President. This report does not constitute the annual mandatory reporting of official crime statistics issued by the University Police Department, which is separate.

Last Updated: July, 2024