Complementary and Alternative Therapy Resources
Information on Complemenatry and Alternative Therapies is available from several places on the Library Web Site.
To find materials that the Library owns related to complementary and alternative medicine, perform a subject search using the term "Alternative Medicine". To search for alternative therapies for specific conditions, perform a keyword search combining the condition you are searching for and the term "Alternative Medicine."
If you are searching for a particular alternative therapy, perform a search using that term. (Some alternative therapies are not MeSH terms so you may need to do a keyword search). If you are looking for how alternative medicine is applied to a particular topic, perform a search on that topic and select the option to limit the search. From the pull-down menu labeled "Journal Subset (Subjects)", select "Alternative/Complementary Therapies".
If you are searching for a particular alternative therapy, perform a search using that term. (Some alternative therapies are not CINAHL headings so you may need to do a keyword search). If you are looking for how alternative medicine is applied to a particular topic, perform a search on that topic and select the option for "Alternative/Complementary Therapies" from the pull-down menu labeled "Journal Subset".
Health and Wellness Resource Center
Find alternative medicine-focused magazines, journals, newspapers, definitions, directories, videos, & reference information on: Medicine, Nutrition, Diseases, Public Health, Pregnancy, Herbal remedies, etc. Included are links to diet, cancer, health assessment sites & government databases.
Natural Medicines
Natural Standard was founded by clinicians and researchers to provide high quality, evidence-based information about complementary and alternative therapies.
- Acupuncture in Medicine (EBSCOHOST: 2003 - )
- Alternative Medicine Review (EBSCOHOST: 2003 - )
- Chiropractic History (EBSCOHOST: 2004 - )
- Chiropractic Journal (EBSCOHOST: 1990 - 2000)
- Complementary Therapies in Medicine (SCIENCEDIRECT: 1995 - )
- Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery (SCIENCEDIRECT: 2000 - 2004)
- Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice (SCIENCEDIRECT: 2005 - )
- Homoeopathy (SCIENCEDIRECT: 1998 - )
- Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (EBSCOHOST: 1998 - ) NOTE: The publisher of this journal has instituted a 3-month delay on current issues. The most recent issue available electronically is at least 3 months old.
- Journal of Chinese Medicine (EBSCOHOST: 2005 - )
- Vegetarian Times (EBSCOHOST: 1996 - )