Selected Awards Received by Dr. Robert F. Furchgott
Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine 1998©

Every year since 1901, the Nobel Prize has been awarded for achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and for peace. The Nobel Prize is an international award administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank established The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize. Each prize consists of a medal, personal diploma, and a cash award.
Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award, 1996©

For 61 years, the Albert Lasker Medical Research Awards have celebrated scientists, physicians, and public servants whose accomplishments have made major advances in the understanding, diagnosis, prevention, treatment, and even cure of many of the great crippling and killing diseases of our century.
CIBA Award for Hypertension Research, 1988©

In recognition of outstanding contributions made in hypertension research, the Novartis (formerly Ciba) Award has been presented at the annual meeting of the Council for High Blood Pressure Research
Goodman & Gilman Award, 1984©

The Louis S. Goodman and Alfred Gilman Award in Drug Receptor Pharmacology, contributed by GlaxoSmithKline, was established to recognize and stimulate outstanding research in pharmacology of biological receptors. Such research might provide a better understanding of the mechanisms of biological processes and potentially provide the basis for the discovery of drugs useful in the treatment of diseases.