
Sophie Christoforou, MS Ed

Sophie Christoforou, MS Ed

Associate Dean for Student & Curricular Affairs
Student Affairs

    Dean Christoforou wears many hats at our school. She considers her most important and fulfilling hat the counseling of students in academic, personal and career matters. She advises students in "life" scheduling (a.k.a. the Wedding and Family Planner!) Dean Christoforou’s favorite 3 days of the year are Graduation, Match Day and new Student Orientation.

    Dean Christoforou has been in medical education since 1985. She began her career in Student Affairs at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine and joined SUNY Downstate in 1994. She has served on numerous national and regional Student Affairs committees of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and has presented sessions at both the regional and national conferences. In 2002, Dean Christoforou was awarded the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence for Professional Service. However, her most prized awards come directly from the students for recognition in Student Service.

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