Rose Calixte, PhD, PStat®
Assistant Professor
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Rose M.E. Calixte, PhD, PStat® is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. She holds a doctoral degree in Statistics from Stony Brook University and PStat® Accreditation from the American Statistical Association. Dr. Calixte has extensive experience as lead biostatistician on multiple projects over the years, resulting in publications in many high impact journals. In her role as lead biostatistician, she handled all data aspect of these studies including data management, data quality, data cleaning, data analysis, and write-up of statistical result. Dr. Calixte also provides consultation on appropriate study design, sample size consideration, power calculations, and statistical analysis plan. Dr. Calixte’s main research interest is in child health outcomes. Particularly, she is interested in factors that are associated with health care utilization in children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and barriers to access to care in CYSHCN. Her goal is to develop tools to identify CYSHCN at risk of unmet medical and social needs.
Courses Taught:
- BIOS 5200: Principles of Biostatistics
- BIOS 5201: Categorical Data Analysis
- BIOS 5202: Applied Regression Analysis
- BIOS 5303: Survival Analysis
- BIOS 7200: Quantitative Methods for Public Health Research
- BIOS 7202: Advanced Applied Regression
- BIOS 7301: Applied Statistics and Data Mining
- BIOS 7302: Advanced Categorical Data Analysis
- BIOS 7303: Advanced Survival Analysis