Amy Suss
Department of Pediatrics
- Golden N., Seigel WM, Fisher M, Schneider M, Quijano E, Suss AL, Bergeson R, Seitz M, Saunders D. Emergency contraception: pediatricians' knowledge, attitudes, and opinions. Pediatrics. 2001;107:287-292.
- Wilson TE, Koenig L, Ickovics J, Walter E, Suss A, Fernandez MI. Contraception use, family planning, and unprotected sex: few differences among HIV-infected and uninfected postpartum women in four US states, JAIDS. 2003;33:608-613.
- Suss A, Homel P, Wilson TE, Shah B. Risk factors for non-fatal suicide behaviors among inner city adolescents. Pediatr Emerg Care. 2004;20:426-429.
- Vigna F, Stracher M., Auerbach A, Suss A, et al. Staphylococcus Lugdunensis Osteomyelitis: A case Report. Am J Orthop. 2007;36(1):E3-E4.
- Suss, A. Chapters: Gonorrhea, Herpes, Trichomoniasis, Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, and Ectopic Pregnancy, In: Atlas of Pediatric Emergency Medicine: Shah BR and Lucchesi M (eds). McGraw-Hill Medical Publishing Division, USA, 2006; 180-196