
SM Schwarz

Steven Schwarz, MD

Professor of Pediatrics
Director, Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition
Department of Pediatrics

  • 718-270-4714
  • Schwarz SM, Corredor J, Fisher-Medina J, Cohen J and Rabinowitz S. Diagnosis and treatment of feeding disorders in children with developmental disabilities. Pediatrics 108: 671-676, 2001.
  • Schwarz SM: Nutritional management of disabled patients - a new formula for success? Nutrition 18: 681-683, 2002.
  • Rabinowitz SS, Piecuch S, Jibali R, Goldsmith A and Schwarz SM. Optimizing the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux in children with otolaryngologic symptoms. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol l67: 621-626, 2003.
  • Schwarz SM. Feeding disorders in children with developmental disabilities. Infants and Young Children 16: 317-330, 2003.
  • Crandall WV, Barnard JA, Cohen MB, Colletti RB, Ferry GD, Harnsberger JK, Hart MH, Hayes JR, Rosenthal P. Sherman PM, Smith LJ, Baron H, Blank E, Collins E, Marpavat M, Huffman S, Lewis J, McDuffie A, Montes R, Nelson S, Schwarz SM, Splawski J, Strople J and Weerasooiya V. Pediatric gastroentero-logy workforce survey, 2003-2004: A report of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 40: 397-405, 2005.
  • Ton M, Suwandhi E and Schwarz SM. Gastroesophageal reflux. Pediatr Ann 35: 259-266, 2006.
  • Schwarz SM, Lightdale J and Liacouras C. Sedation and analgesia in pediatric endoscopy: The search for a standard of care. . J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 3: 295-297, 2007.
  • Schwarz SM: Management of feeding disorders in children with developmental disabilities. In David TJ, editor, Recent Advances in Pediatrics 20. London, UK, The Royal Society of Medicine Press, Ltd., 99-113, 2002.
  • Schwarz SM. Biliary atresia. In Althschuler S et al, editors, Pediatrics: An Online Medical Reference, 2nd Edition. St. Petersburg, FL, Emedicine Online Textbooks, 2005.
  • Schwarz SM. Gastrointestinal complaints. Pediatr Ann 35: 232-235, 2006

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