Mission Statement
The Office of Diversity & Inclusion (ODI) is responsible for multiple functions here at Downstate Health Sciences University. ODI is responsible for ensuring Downstate's compliance with the State University of New York's employment policies and federal and state civil rights laws and regulations, which includes Title VI, Title VII, and Title IX compliance, Sexual Harassment, 504/ADAAA compliance, and New York State's Human Rights Law.
In continuing pursuit of inclusive excellence, ODI provides oversight, leadership, information, consultation, coordination, and assistance to Downstate's various constituencies in the recruitment, retention, and advancement of its faculty, staff, and students. In partnership with existing University of Brooklyn Hospital efforts, ODI will pursue the maintenance and expansion of cultural competence to increase health equity by taking into account the diversity of patients at University Hospital and its Affiliated Hospitals.
Contact Us
Office of Diversity & Inclusion
SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University
450 Clarkson Avenue, MSC 1220
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Phone: (718) 270-1361
Fax: (718) 270-2276