Being Green
Going Green
Avoid the hassles of bringing your car to campus & help the environment too!
SUNY Information Services & Green Technology
SUNY Downstate's IS Department is seamlessly folding energy efficient technologies into day-to-day operations for the benefit of everyone.
See what savings is all about with VMWare's Server Virtualization»
Downstate's Mission & Vision for Sustainability
To promote environmental awareness among the downstate community and to provide statewide and national green campus leadership.
Our vision is for every employee to become educated about sustainability, to work in a healthy environment, enjoy sustainable on-campus dining, and have the opportunity to contribute to a sustainable society.
Recycling Policy
The New York State Solid Waste Management Act of 1988 established the state policy on waste reduction, reuse, and recycling. The New York State Solid Waste Management Plan has set a statewide waste reduction and recycling goal of 50% by 1997. To successfully implement this policy, state agencies must play a leadership role. Executive Order 142, issued January 1991, directs state agencies to initiate waste reduction and recycling activities in all state-owned or leased facilities. Additionally, this order mandates that state agencies use recycled paper for letterhead and other paper uses unless a suitable recycled paper product is not available or the cost of the recycled paper product exceeds the cost of the non-recycled paper by more than 10%.