

Zipcar: Wheels When You Want Them.

zipcar logoSave and help the environment more when you share your rides and errands with fellow students! 


For ALL Downstate Students, Faculty, Staff, and affiliated entities. Gas, insurance and roadside assistance are included. Being a member of Zipcar eliminates maintenance, car payments, parking and parking tickets amongst other things. We all know the hassles of owning a car while on campus and we wanted to give you a solution: Zipcar. You can avoid the pains of having your own car on campus all while helping the environment because Zipcar, the world's largest car sharing organization, offers a convenient and ecofriendly alternative to owning an automobile. FSA has partnered with Zipcar to bring “wheels when you want them” to Downstate. A fleet of  Zipcars are located in the Kings County Garage at 581 Clarkson Avenue - btwn E.39th & E.40th Streets .

Low DMC discounted membership rate is $35 per year with a waived application fee - that's a 64% savings over the Zipcar standard rate of $70 per year and a $25 application fee. Usage rates start at $9.50 per hour & $79 per day (weekends start at $11/hr. & $110/day) not inclusive of tax and tolls. Questions? Call Zipcar at: 1-866-4ZIPCAR (1-866-494-7227)

Zipcar Users: Kings County Parking Garage Procedure - 581 Clarkson Avenue  Brooklyn NY 11203  (btwn E.39th & E.40th Streets):

Upon arrival at the 581 Clarkson Ave garage, on the main floor look for the parking spaces marked "Reserved for Zipcar" signs to find your Zipcar.

When returning the Zipcar, park in same area - parking spaces marked Reserved for Zipcar.

If you encounter any problem or need assistance, please see a garage attendant at the exit booth, or go to the garage office.


Students with Drive

Zipcar's Students with Drive Program is back! To participate in the program, students are encouraged to visit the “Students with Drive” tab on Zipcar’s University at Students with Drive starting today.  Additional details on the program.

Go Green

To join, apply online to Zipcar (link). Once a member of Zipcar you'll have access to the 10 SUNY Downstate Medical Center vehicles that live at the DMC State Garage as well as the Zipcar network of more than 8,000 vehicles throughout North America and the United Kingdom, and with over 3,500 vehicles living in New York alone.

Students: Plan your trips! This service is even more cost effective when you share your rides for local road-trips and errands that you go on regularly.

Faculty & Staff: When the DMC Transportation Unit can’t accommodate your specific business needs for local off-site meetings during the day, consider using the Zipcar instead. Join now so it’s immediately available to you when you need to reserve it in the future.

When a State employee utilizes a Zipcar rental, their rental is automatically charged to that Zipcar member's account (which they applied for and is tied to the member's credit card). The employee reserves the car online through the online Zipcar reservation process and after completing the rental, the employee can print off a receipt from their Zipcar account (online). The employee then submits a standard Travel Voucher for reimbursement noting the purpose of the rental (meeting at Bay Ridge site, etc...) and amount, sign by supervisor & submit the Travel Voucher to State Accts Payable.

The DMC vehicles are open to all Zipcar members, so we recommend you reserve your vehicle online as early as possible. As DMC membership and vehicle utilization grows in the future, DMC will consider opportunities to increase the on-site fleet.

Sign Up!

It's easy - go to Zipcar

Call Zipcar at: 1-866-4ZIPCAR (1-866-494-7227)

  • You sign up for Zipcar on the app or the web and pay your annual membership via credit card. The application allows you to join and drive instantly (usually 3-5 minutes), so no more waiting for the Zipcard in the mail like years passed. Your initial SUNY-DMC affiliation approval is expedited if you use your DMC eMail address - you can always change it later to a personal eMail address. The DMC discounted rate is $35 year- a savings of 64%, and several different rental value plans are posted on the Zipcar site.
  • You get a Zipcard card in the mail once you're approved which functions as your access (key) to the vehicle, particularly for those spots with low cell service.
  • All vehicles reservations are done on line in real time on the Zipcar site. Using your iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Blackberry, or their simple on-line reservation system you can book Zipcars throughout the Zipcar network … from Mini Coopers to Pick-up Trucks, Mini vans to BMWs!