
Counseling and Mental Health Support Services

Services for SUNY and KCH Salaried House Staff

A house staff member seeking behavioral health services may contact the Graduate Medical Education Counseling Service to speak with a licensed behavioral health counselor. Counselors are available for screenings, assessments, short-term psychotherapy, and to assist with referrals for psychiatric services and/or longer-term psychotherapy. All services are confidential and free of charge, regardless of pay source. Administrative staff are NOT notified of a trainee’s involvement with the Counseling Service.

GME Counseling Service

Employee Assistance Programs - Provide services to employees and their family members. Generally, EAPs provide education, information, counseling, and individualized referrals to assist with a wide range of personal and social problems.

KCH Employees EAP
Phone: 212-306-7660

SUNY Employees EAP
Phone: 800-822-0244

Other Resources Available to SUNY and KCH Salaried Trainees